
To go or not go into the office? That is the question!

To go or not go into the office? That is the question!

As we change out of our slippers and sweats into clothing more appropriate for the occasional (and long awaited!) in-person interactions, organizational leaders are faced with the next great pandemic problem....

Should we go back into the office, or not?

Vaccinations ๐Ÿ’‰ the next challenge for leaders

Vaccinations  ๐Ÿ’‰  the next challenge for leaders

While vaccinations promise to help put an end to the pandemic, they will also bring on new challenges for leaders to manage. Sorry if you thought you were going to be allowed to finally take a deep breath! So, as youโ€™re ramping up into phase two of the pandemic (aka โ€œthe how do we live with a vaccine" phase) you will be asked to lead into yet more uncharted territory. To do this successfully you must pause regularly and ask yourself two very important questions.