
Even the most seasoned leaders need reminders now and again

Even the most seasoned leaders need reminders now and again.

It's important to take a minute every now and then, look closely at how we're doing, and notice where we may need to make some improvements.

One leadership mistake we see leaders making again and again, no matter how experienced they may be, is confusing leadership and management.

I'm sure you KNOW they're different and even HOW they differ.

The challenge lies when we move into greater levels of responsibility and we have to transition out of managing and into leading.

The transition from managing to leading can be incredibly difficult.

And, if not done with clear intention can stop a good leader to becoming a great one.

For those who have been in a clear leadership role for a while, it can be difficult to not veer to far off into management-land every now and again.

Leadership and management are critical to the success of your organization when each is given the opportunity to fully focus on their area of expertise.

Peter Drucker reminds us in this succinct quote: "Management is doing things right, leadership is doing the right things."

Check out our article, "It's Time to Stop Confusing Leadership and Management" to read how to spot the difference.

And then I challenge you to do a little "leadership vs management self check."