Does poor sleep make a leader irresponsible?

When is the last time you got a good night’s sleep?

As in, waking up refreshed and well rested!

Feeling grumpy or not being able to focus during the day are common, and well-known effects of not getting enough zzzz's. 

These may not be detrimental effects, but they definitely don't make for a great day.

Not sleeping well can put you at risk for long-term health conditions like diabetes and heart disease. Plus, your immune system becomes suppressed. 

A good night's sleep is critical for our mental health too. Studies have shown that chronic poor sleep can make us more susceptible to depression, anxiety, and other mood disorders. 

Showing up for your family or colleagues as a sleep deprived zombie is not an effective way to lead. 

We could argue that it's irresponsible. 

When it comes to sleep, often it's more about quality than quantity.

Chances are the things you're doing right before bed are having a big impact on the quality of your sleep.

In the Lead Yourself program we will talk all about "sleep hygiene" and the simple steps you can take to get better quality sleep.

Plus, you'll have a chance to experiment with some of the sleep hygiene strategies, learn from others in the program, and create a sleep routine that works for you.

Sleep is just one of the critical self-care topics you can learn about in the Lead Yourself program.

We will be addressing physical and mental self-care topics during the 4 weeks. Physical health topics such as hydration and eating for energy alongside mental self-care focused on mindfulness and stress management.

Most importantly, we will hold each other accountable to follow through on creating powerful self-care habits that stick!

I hope you will join me for this virtual live program starting next month.

Click below to learn more.

Talk soon!