Pearl Harbor

81 years later...what we can learn from Pearl Harbor

On December 7th 1941, the Attack on Pearl Harbor was a turning point in the history of our nation and the world.

The war that followed lasted nearly four years, and the entire nation mobilized to meet this challenge.

But ultimately it was leadership at all levels, exhibited initially on this Sunday morning in Hawaii that allowed America to be successful.

Today, is the 81st Anniversary of the attack.

Here at Diamond6 we frequently use this event as a historical case study for workshops. Sometimes in a classroom, sometimes aboard a ship, and if we're lucky, even in Hawaii.

To commemorate this important day we want to take you back in time to a blog post we wrote for the 75th anniversary, in 2016. 

Just goes to show, leadership lessons from history are enduring!

As we reflect on the courage and sacrifice of the brave servicemen on that day, what can we discern about the actions of their leaders?

And what can we learn about leadership in a complex, rapidly evolving, high-pressure environment like the one we are living and working in today?

While there are innumerable leadership lessons that can be drawn from this event we have three examples.

They are as follows: 

  • Leaders must act in a crisis and feel empowered to act.

  • Leaders must challenge assumptions particularly during changing times.

  • Leaders must promote organizational resilience.

CLICK HERE to read the full blog post, including brief stories about each of these examples that further illustrate their importance. 

We haven't seen Jeff in weeks. Here's why...

It's true, we haven't seen Jeff in weeks!

He left the rest of us here in the office while heading to Hawaii nearly two weeks ago to run a leadership workshop with students from Penn State University.

Then, earlier this week he traded in his Hawaiian shirt for a coat and fancy hat to join his classmates at his 50th college reunion from West Point. 

We're not at all bitter about it. Really, we're not ;)

He will surely regale us with many stories of his travel adventures when he returns to the office. We can't wait to hear them!

Storytelling is such a powerful and engaging teaching tool. Stories help connect us to each other, to events, and to lessons. 

That is why we use storytelling in all our leadership workshops. 

One of the consequences and most important lessons from the Attack on Pearl Harbor, is that it germinated a unity amongst the American people; that great team called the nation. 

Talk about a great story!

In this McCausland Monday video and blog post Jeff shares the background of an important monument at Pearl Harbor and the most important lesson we can learn from this historic event. 

CLICK HERE for the video and blog post.