Dealing with a "bad boss?"

In October 2022, about 4 millions Americans, left their jobs. A trend that started back in 2021. 

Workers have cited low pay, no advancement opportunities or feeling disrespected as the reasons for quitting. 

So you don’t like your boss, or maybe your boss doesn’t like you.

Either way, you two aren’t getting along and communication is breaking down. You’re starting to feel like the odd man or woman out on all the work that you once found fulfilling.

Before you start heading toward the exit, perhaps you ought to reconsider.

Having a bad boss can be an excellent opportunity to sharpen your leadership skills, so that you can lead everyone — even your boss — in the workplace.

All that this requires from you is a proactive spirit and a desire to make the best office space possible.

One of the most common reasons for leaving a job is an incompetent or haughty supervisor, so let's flip that proposition on it's head and refuse the easy surrender. 

The most gratifying jobs can sometimes force us to interact with difficult people, so consider this an opportunity to get some practice in. 

This article addresses four things to consider before leaving that bad boss behind. 

1. Figure out if they're really a bad boss. 
2. Identify their motivations. 
3. Don't back down from your ideals. 
4. Take the high road. 
5. Avoid future bad bosses.