April Series: A look back at leadership fundamentals

Right now is the calm before the storm for Diamond6.

Let me explain...

Starting this weekend I will be starting a series of travel that will have me running workshops in California, Indiana, Florida, and here at home in Gettysburg.

Not to mention that my family will be spread out across the globe with my wife Marianne, daughter Tanya, and both grandkids in Germany, and one son in Europe (today he's in Estonia!) reporting on the impact of the war on Ukraine.

All that said, we have decided to declare the month of April, D6 Looks Back Month.

(Pretty cool what you can do when you run your own business!)

This means each week for the entire month of April we will bring you three posts from the D6 blog archive.

So, we're going to hit the ground running with some leadership fundamentals.

Because, I don't care how much experience you have as a leader, we all can use a little refresher now and then.

And a little animal humor helps too!


The Difference Between a Boss and a Leader (August 12, 2019) Jeff explains this important difference with something he found in the middle of the desert in Iraq back in 1991. Maybe you've seen him show it during a presentation?

How Leaders Set the Tone (July 31, 2018) Remember the soccer team trapped in a cave in northern Thailand? Their coach set the tone for their successful rescue. We outline three ways you can do this too.

How to Build Trust With Your Team (May 13, 2019) In this article and accompanying McCausland Monday video, Jeff explains five steps to building trust within your team. Trust must be earned and maintained over the long term.