Gettysburg was the largest battle ever fought on the North American continent. Over 170,000 Union and Confederate soldiers engaged in this struggle and roughly 25 percent were casualties after three days. Union victory at Gettysburg was vital to end the rebellion, preserve the nation, and set a course for the future. Lincoln later honored Union soldiers for giving “the last full measure of devotion” to the nation, and its memory is deeply embedded in the American psyche. This iconic event provides contemporary leaders a superb opportunity to examine enduring leadership principles.

In Battle Tested! authors Jeff McCausland and Tom Vossler closely examine and provide practical guidance for 12 essential leadership lessons, such as:

  • How leaders and organizations can succeed during periods of stress and uncertainty.

  • How to adapt, innovate, and overcome so you and your organization can rise above it all, and avoid failure.

  • How to deal with “wicked problems” and make decisions with confidence.

Plus, you will be enlightened and inspired by the leadership successes of several well-known Civil War officers while also learning from their challenges and failings. It is their stories that help 21st Century leaders learn from the past to prepare for the future.

You may never visit the Gettysburg battlefield, but understanding historic lessons from Battle Tested! will have a profound influence on not only your leadership abilities, but also your life, organizations, and career. 

This is the exact style of leadership book that needs to be shared with teams, colleagues, even family members. Not only does it offer a refreshed definition of leadership, but one that can be applied in both everyday business environments and leading in crisis scenarios.
— -Angie Morgan, Captain of Marines and Author of Leading from the Front and the New York Times Best-Selling SPARK: How to Lead Yourself and Others to Greater Success.


Dr. Jeffrey McCausland

Dr. McCausland is a retired Colonel from the U.S. Army and former Dean of Academics at the U.S. Army War College. In addition to being the Founder & CEO of Diamond6 Leadership & Strategy, Jeff is a Visiting Professor of National Security at Dickinson College and a National Security Consultant for CBS radio & television.


Tom Vossler, HISTORIAN

Colonel Tom Vossler, U.S. Army (Retired) served thirty years in the U.S. Army from 1968 thru 1998. Since 1998 he has worked as a self-employed, Federally Licensed, Battlefield Guide at Gettysburg where he specializes in battlefield studies and leadership seminars. He is also the award winning author of A Field Guide to Gettysburg.


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The world today is in dire need of leaders locally, regionally, nationally, and internationally. Thanks to Jeff and Tom we can summon the principles of those who have been tested and from whom we can model our own behavior. In this way we are all leaders, even when we are only leading ourselves.
— Dr. Joel Rosenthal, President, Carnegie Council for Ethics in International Affairs

Book Excerpts

read by Dr. Jeff McCausland